Home Perspectives & Other Resources STORIES FROM SOUTH ASIA – Kingdom of Light vs Kingdom of Darkness

STORIES FROM SOUTH ASIA – Kingdom of Light vs Kingdom of Darkness

Image: Team that Travelled

By Gigi Kotze

During our time in Nepal, as we walked the streets of this mountainous country, every few metres we saw shrines with offerings of rice, bottles of water or colourful powder. We saw idols on and around doorposts and on the floors near entrances of homes where we were told that offerings were given, and spirits welcomed into homes. We also visited the ‘Monkey Temple’ also known as Swayambhu which is among the oldest religious sites in Nepal. The complex consists of a stupa, and a variety of shrines and temples. Although the site is considered Buddhist, the place is revered by both Buddhists and Hindus. I gazed to the left and saw an altar with the word, ‘PEACE’, inside, together with a flame. In the archway, these words were quoted: “Peace is more precious than triumph.” I quickly thought about how peace seems to be so vital in many religions, my heart broke knowing that they do not know the true Prince of Peace who triumphed over death – to ransom souls from the Kingdom of Darkness into the Kingdom of Light: “For He has rescued us from the kingdom of darkness and transferred us into the Kingdom of His dear Son” (Colossians 1:13, NLT).

In Nepal, one could almost feel and sense the oppression and demonic activity of the evil one. We later travelled to Bhutan, and I had a completely different experience. As I entered this stunning country that is so rich in culture, I felt peace and the people seemed happy. And yet I know that Bhutan is a Buddhist-majority nation and I saw the Great Buddha Dordenma statue standing at 54 meters (177 ft). For the duration of my stay, I wrestled with God about this ‘peace’ I felt. In the early hours of the morning we were to depart Bhutan, I looked across the valley and all the beautiful city lights and asked God once more about the ‘peace’ that I felt. Almost immediately, this scripture pierced my heart: “But I am not surprised! Even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light” (2 Corinthians 11:14, NLT). In Nepal, I experienced the true face of the enemy and in Bhutan, I experienced his disguise and how he deceives people.

During our travels, we heard the testimony of a local pastor who experienced the Prince of Peace. He shared with us that he was a devout Hindu from the highest caste. He had a Christian friend who was part of a global Christian organisation operating in Nepal. He had taken a Bible to use as a tool against the beliefs of Christians. He read through Matthew and thought to himself: “Wow, Jesus is powerful, I should not speak against Him or His followers!” But he did not give his life to Christ. One evening, he began to read the book of Revelation and the judgment of God. He came to realise that he was a sinner and in need of the grace of God. The next morning, he told his family he thought he was now a Christian. His father sold his inheritance and wanted nothing to do with him. Yet later, in their old age, both his mother and father committed their lives to the Lord. This man is now a pastor, disciples others, loves “the least of these”, and runs a school for children from the lowest caste in his society.

Despite the darkness and lostness, God is at work, piercing the darkness with His glorious light. “In Him (Jesus) was life, and that life was the light of all mankind. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it” (John 1:4-5, NIV). The Church is alive and active in both Nepal and Bhutan – shining the light of Christ and drawing souls into true peace and into the Kingdom of Light.

Pray with us for the following:

  • For the faithful frontline workers who labour for the sake of the Gospel in Nepal and Bhutan
  • For the “Lord of the harvest” to send out more workers into the field – as “the harvest is plentiful and the workers are few”
  • For the people of South Asia to come to know the true Prince of Peace and for spiritual strongholds in the region to be broken through the spiritual warfare of the children of God