By Gustav Krös (INcontext Director)

On Saturday 20 May, we will be hosting our Volunteer Exposure Day at our office in Cape Town. I am very excited about this event because I started my journey into ministry as a volunteer. The idea of working full-time in ministry can be very daunting to some people. One of the main reasons for this is the financial aspect of it. Many ministries and missionaries live by faith and are thus completely reliant on donations for income. I still very clearly remember telling my one colleague how grateful I am that I can serve as a volunteer at a missions organisation because I have the privilege of actively being involved in missions on a part-time basis while maintaining the ‘financial security’ of earning a salary. Little did I know that roughly a year after making this statement the Lord would call me into full-time ministry, but the years of volunteering laid the foundation to be able to take that step in faith.

Another reality is that many Christians have a yearning to serve the Lord in a more tangible way, but their career and family responsibilities prevent them from doing it in a full-time capacity. Yet they feel that the Lord has blessed them with a specific skill set, passion, or material resources that they would like to put to greater use within His Kingdom. In my case, the Lord simply put a yearning in my heart to be involved in missions, but at the same time, I really loved the work that I was doing. So, to have the opportunity to invest my spare time into God’s Kingdom as a volunteer – while also being able to do the job I really loved on a full-time basis – was truly a blessing.

It is thus a massive privilege for me to now sit on the other side of the table and give people the opportunity to become involved in missions in a volunteer capacity.

During the Volunteer Exposure Day, we are going to present the work that INcontext does in a very holistic manner, so attendees can get a clear understanding of everything that happens ‘behind the scenes’ within the ministry. In this manner, we want to give attendees the best possible opportunity to see if there is a place within INcontext where they can potentially invest their skill set, giftings, passion, and time on a voluntary basis.

Besides the work aspect of the ministry, we also want to give people the opportunity to meet the INcontext team and get to know them better. We are a very close-knit team and we love fellowshipping together, so we are looking forward to spending time with the attendees and fellowshipping with them on the day.

The basic programme for the day looks as follows:

Saturday 20 May

07:30 – 08:00    Coffee & Tea

08:00 – 10:00    First Session

10:00 – 10:30    Coffee & Tea Break

10:30 – 13:00    Second Session

13:00 – 14:00    Lunch

Afternoon time of rest & relaxation

17:00 – 20:30    Fellowship evening with the INcontext team (Optional)

If you are curious to see whether there is maybe a space for you within INcontext to volunteer your skills, time, or giftings on a part-time basis, then I would like to encourage you to register, please email hanlie@incontextinternational.org by 8 May.

Investing a small amount of time into God’s Kingdom in this manner could yield immeasurable growth. So, if the Holy Spirit prompts you to attend our Volunteer Exposure Day, then I certainly encourage you to be obedient and take that first step. You will certainly meet wonderful brothers and sisters in Christ you didn’t know before; you might end up visiting countries you never dreamed of; or who knows, you might even end up changing your career along the way.


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www.incontextinternational.org; gustav@incontextministries.org